
A Few Poems written by Kadeem Hylton

I'm so numb 
my fingers become still in the chill
there's nothing that I feel
or that i will
in doubt of a cure
but I desire to heal
so if I freeze this bleeding
it can no longer spill 
my screams 
they would be shrill
only they've been muted
or is my voice just ill?
None choose to listen
that's the deal.

I release my problems on the page, 
let the ink pierce the parchment,
the pen directs the orchestra of my pain
pulsing back & forth like the heart pumps
pushing the pace, pausing without grace
placing passion and perfunctoriness in tandem.
pupils dilate as they perceive the portrait of prose
the pieces of me placed with purpose 
yet scattered like pounded pottery
or plundered property
take your pick, pick your take
it probably populates the page
prances the stage 
either way
they participate in a pictorial void of picture
particularly present with punctuation
there they remain 
pain and problems perpetually imprisoned
on paper to stay
until another day


If a tree falls in the wilderness and no one is there
to confirm it by sight and to say that they hear
can I really say that this tree did fall?
I'd have no witnesses to the stand, no man I could call
By what measure of justice can I enact my willful hand
to find a way to qualify what happened on that land
I imagine it's quite cumbersome facing such a feat
but if the answer isn't the real challenge, 
it's the journey I must beat…
Though no man could see this tree fall
The soil hides tales it will tell all
there is ruin and discord within the ground
The once peaceful dirt, moved around 
Though the sound of the tree fell on no ear
And the reason it fell remains unclear
The leaves remember the breeze 
from the lumber's tumble--and likewise the trees
they rely on their roots for support
to maintain its life, and for life to come forth
but when the wind blows and trees don't prevail
         its not a simple plot but a much deeper tale. 

sex sells

Please pardon the pun as I punish those that penetrate young minds with pronounced and
 prolific amounts of the P word.
Yes, I’m talking about Pussy.
What you must understand is that life is a restaurant and sex sells.
Johnson & Johnson, Vaseline, and Keri are a few beneficiaries
as young boys lock doors and lock eyes on what life has on the menu
and for the next few minutes he feeds his appetite
moisturizing a part of his body you’d never know got ashy.
Guys are more visual, they’d rather SEE a sample of the main course
But a woman she has no issue reading the menu
running over the description a few times,
Trying to understand how succulent the beef and broccoli actually is
And thinking to herself, how will the sauce taste?
So these young girls exercise their imagination as they role play with their mind
Turning the pages of novels each time their thoughts become more real
So basically Everyone grows up wanting to be a Chef
Spending extra time in the kitchen putting in work
And nowadays the cooks graduate from culinary school early
On that accelerated program
So a lot of times there’s kid my brothers age cooking up a storm
And he’s only ten.
Problem is if your cooking without good knowledge of what to do
You can end up getting BURNED putting one in the OVEN
Guess he never knew he had to put on a glove.

to feel

they say because I am a man I can't talk about my feelings.
they say to keep them low. i should keep them them under ceilings.
so, i raise up a few walls to keep it less revealing.
a man who feels? That couldn't be appealing!
that's the reason for suppression, that's the reason I'm concealing.
but soon pressure builds till it bursts, now it hurts.
so, now there is a need for some healing.

a pretty penny for my pensive pondering 
would produce wealth way beyond your wondering.
but it's hard to get them out they've been packed down so long
that the fear of even telling is like lightning & thundering.

i could ramble on for hours, you know, just talkn' bout the weather
but ask me about my father….can't even get it together.
it's tough to break that surface, it's had time to harden, it's my leather.
if I could, I would just fly away but I've got but one feather.

so I dip this feather in ink and I let it spill onto parchment.
piercing pages with this pen pealing away pieces of drywall,
breaking downs these mental barriers. my soul needs a revival.
with each word that I write, I shed light on a dark room .
the skeletons in my closet receive life, receive sight and resurrect from their tomb.
but there's no zombie apocalypse here;
just a full mind, cluttered closet, and a heavy heart that needed to be clear

...At First Sight

When I first saw you and our eyes met
My mind ran wild
But not with vain visions of impure acts between us
But rather with deep interest in the connections
We could make simply through our words and ways
Through conversation and experience
Not through explicit engagements ending in erotic eruptions
You see I want to explore the untapped spaces of your heart and mind
No use tryna get into your pants anyway
There’s a long line there
And I figured it’d be easier to get into the door to your mind
The lines not long there you see
I want to wrap you in blankets of security
So you can lie in my pillows of truth
And sleep freely in a bed of vulnerability
For vulnerability is simply the ability
 to fall freely without fear
knowing you can only make crash landings in the bottom of my heart
Where my love is conceived
Like ideas and epiphanies
Or newborns and notions
Notions of love unadulterated
Due to foundations of friendship
Fortified by the full faith you will follow forever

So take my hand and follow my lead
For I am lead simply by the hope that
When I first saw you and our eyes met
Your mind, ran wild.

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