Monday, April 22, 2013

Eat My Shorts!

So, I decided to write a poem last week and it sort of became a SHORT STORY. It's my first time going in this direction. So after you read, tell me your thoughts!

My love,
If I may, I must sing to you a sweet melody. Though my voice may quiver, and my notes fall flat, my vocal cords still work hard to play my love in audio.

The melody is from a song about the Goddess of Love, she had a child it says. 
And one day she had a dream about her future. Tension would grow among the gods and a war would result. She was concerned but unmoved in her demeanor until she saw in the end of her dream that her child would be kidnapped as prisoner. She knew she'd never see her again once she was taken. She worried.

For weeks she contemplated ways to prevent her dream's fulfillment. The goddess abandoned the rest of her duties and devoted her days and nights to preventing the loss of her daughter. However, no matter what she considered the dream would always come back to her in the most vivid of detail. She knew that it was impossible. To her dismay, as she was deep in thought one evening, two senior leaders from the Upper Council walked by her window speaking quietly about threats of a civil war. The goddess was able to hear enough of their talk to know she was running out of time. She panicked.

As quickly as she could, the goddess packed her daughter's things and fled her home. She didn't know where to go at first, but after a few hours of unguided traveling, she knew she must go to a land of freedom and equality. She didn't know the name of this place because the members of the Upper Council kept the information of this place tightly within their circle. They wanted no one to travel there. Tears began to flood her eyes and her eyelids struggled to hold them in. A strong single tear fell from her left eye. She did not know why she had that dream, nor why she fled as she had. Whatever the reason, she now felt deep within her that she had to give her daughter away to save her life. It puzzled her, she wondered who or what was behind all of this. "Is this my intuition," she thought. The goddess remembered that one of the demi-gods had been caught manipulating dreams and thoughts years ago and feared for a moment she was the subject of a joke. Still, the feeling she had was so convicting she continued on.

The goddess had always been good at eavesdropping, and on this day that skill had proven to be an asset. As a child, she listened in on her father's "private" phone conversations where he discussed everything he shouldn't. She remembered the day, in particular,  he mentioned where he believed this mysterious land might be located. So there she went. Soon, she found herself at the home of a lovely woman in a remote island town, a few miles away from the mainland of this mysterious place . The secluded residence promised the discretion she knew was necessary to follow through with this plan that really wasn't hers---she regrettably admitted. The woman she approached was working in her garden at the time. The goddess spent some time watching her carefully. She paid particular attention to how much care she took and the joy she sensed the woman derived from her gardening. She wanted her daughter to be loved just the same.

It didn't take much convincing for the kind woman to nod in agreement. The goddess thought for a brief moment that somehow this woman might have known more than she let on, but she shook the thought from her mind.

That night the goddess left to go back home to prepare for the approaching war, but before the woman would let her leave her home, she asked the goddess what was her daughters name. The goddess of love hadn't given her daughter a name in English and didn't want her daughter to carry a name that might draw too much attention. So she thought deeply, and a name she coveted dearly resonated in her heart. It was a Greek baby name that meant Oath of God. She knew her child was special and that this entire ordeal was necessary to preserve her precious life. With her voice low and tranquil, she told the woman, "call her Amaya." The goddess was gone from the woman's home immediately after.

As she returned home, a sweet melody came to her heart and she sang it all the way home.

My love, this is the song I sing for you. 

For my Fellow Writers:
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