Friday, April 19, 2013

Facing My Demons


If a tree falls in the wilderness and no one is there
to confirm it by sight and to say that they hear
can I really say that this tree did fall?
I'd have no witnesses to the stand, no man I could call
By what measure of justice can I enact my willful hand
to find a way to qualify what happened on that land
I imagine it's quite cumbersome facing such a feat
but if the answer isn't the real challenge, 
it's the journey I must beat…
Though no man could see this tree fall
The soil hides tales it will tell all
there is ruin and discord within the ground
The once peaceful dirt, moved around 
Though the sound of the tree fell on no ear
And the reason it fell remains unclear
The leaves remember the breeze 
from the lumber's tumble--and likewise the trees
they rely on their roots for support
to maintain its life, and for life to come forth
but when the wind blows and trees don't prevail
its not a simple plot but a much deeper tale. 

What if I told you that I was the tree in the wilderness, alone, with his screams unheard? 

I've been screaming silently for so long that I forgot I was screaming to begin with. I was essentially a prisoner in a cell that I created for my own protection. Now, I try not to make big sweeping statements because not everyone is the same, but I firmly believe one of the few exceptions to that statement is "Everyone wants to be heard." No matter for what, if we have the will to speak, the desire to be heard already exists. This poem was my initial admission that something bigger had manifested from years of being unheard--and some of that was loneliness. I propose that despite how populated the wilderness is with trees, this particular fallen tree feels alone. It's kind of odd talking about real life issues within the metaphor of a tree, but I have to admit its definitely much easier. The only problem is that sort of avoidance is what leads to issues piling into what seems like an insurmountable mountain. Sort of like when you're too tired to put away your clothes after a long day, so you neatly stick them in a corner. However, after a string of long, tiring days you find yourself digging to find your chair, and eventually your floor, and so on. Nobody's perfect. Every now and then I care too much about what someone else thinks. It happens. 

One of the beautiful tragedies of life is that our experiences compound upon each other. No matter how many new leaves we turn over, and new slates we start, we are always a product of our experiences. We can grow into so many types of people because of that. HOW WE DEAL DETERMINES OUR DESTINY! (I'm sorry but I saw the opportunity to throw some alliteration in there, and I went for it!) I know that I have wonderful things ahead of me, and because of that I needed to correct some of the things that were keeping my happiness and success at bay. So now I'm facing my personal demons. I love myself. I do for many reasons, and I have a new reason now. We all have a part of ourselves that will do anything necessary to preserve and protect us from hurt. I recently became aware of mine. I have repressed my true feelings about a great deal, unknowingly (and much to my surprise), in an effort to protect my happiness--to preserve my smile. The day I realized this, I yelled out in thought, "Who gave you permission to do this Self?" But that is an ungrateful question, I had the best intentions when I allowed myself to parade around in oblivion. I did. It sucks now that everything is piled up in my face, but I meant well, I guess. (It's quite awkward talking about myself in this manner haha. I am myself at the end of the day, but please don't get lost in that banter.)

I've become so numb recently. I haven't really cried in years. The last time I shed some real tears was in '07 when my grandmother died. So you can imagine my bewilderment when I started bawling like a baby after a recent confrontation. Not cool. I quickly sucked it up of course! My natural pain relieving, numbing tendencies kicked in quickly and I sucked it up, but still, it was an experience that left me feeling more vulnerable than I had in a long time. I don't really care about societal perceptions as much as I used to anyway (living in NYC helped me with that). I think it's healthy to cry and I haven't done it in such a significant time, my reserves are bursting at the seams. You truly haven't had a full day unless you have LAUGHED, CRIED, and spent time in THOUGHT. 

I've suffered in my writing as well. Most times I don't know how to write what I feel, or where to start. I've written lots of poems on love and the benevolence of life and all from being inspired while walking around on a sunny day or something like that. But I cannot be inspired to write about the HARD things that I endure because I always check the negativity at the door. I'm so numb that my fingers become still in the chill, so there's nothing that I feel. <---Exactly that. Writing about the hard stuff means confronting it---living in the moments I have trained myself to avoid since my early youth. When my girlfriend told me that I needed to tap into my pain and write about my plight. I was reluctant. But I knew I had to. And I did. The poem above was written after confronting that idea. But I was not happy. I knew I hadn't dug deep enough. I was still hiding. I let the metaphor conceal the majority of the message. I learned a bunch from this hesitance. I know that I have to write a deeper more involved follow up to it. And now that I am making time for me to do this necessary writing, I will. Never let your circumstance hinder you from doing what you were created to do and love. Instead, use the circumstance to procure more art or more ideas, continue to do whatever it is you may do and you will see GREAT things come from it.

This period of guarding myself from hurt and running from it in my writing, when realized, forced me to do exactly what I was afraid of…face my inner demons. I've begun writing again. And it's full of pain. So what.

I'm so numb 
my fingers become still in the chill
there's nothing that I feel
or that i will
in doubt of a cure
but I desire to heal
so if I freeze this bleeding
it can no longer spill 
my screams 
they would be shrill
only they've been muted
or is my voice just ill?
None choose to listen
that's the deal.

I release my problems on the page, 
let the ink pierce the parchment,
the pen directs the orchestra of my pain
pulsing back & forth like the heart pumps
pushing the pace, pausing without grace
placing passion and perfunctoriness in tandem.
pupils dilate as they perceive the portrait of prose
the pieces of me placed with purpose 
yet scattered like pounded pottery
or plundered property
take your pick, pick your take
it probably populates the page
prances the stage 
either way
they participate in a pictorial void of picture
particularly present with punctuation
there they remain 
pain and problems perpetually imprisoned
on paper to stay
until another day

All of my poems in this post are untitled. I haven't figured out the names I want to use for them. If you have any cool ideas please leave me a comment. I will appreciate every suggestion.


  1. I think we've all had our fair share of Untitled's :). The first one, I really like, except for one line: "they rely on their roots for support". Idk why, but it bugs me, maybe it's too cliche or something. I'm being nit-picky because I liked it so much that I thought it was a published poem at first, and had I not kept reading your entry, was going to google it for the author- so yeah. I enjoyed the last as well, probably because I'm a whore for alliteration like everyone else. More on PM.
